aBout Me

Hello, my name is Angie! I admire your courage in initiating your healing journey! I am here to encourage you so that you will not do this alone! 

I received my M. A in Professional Counseling from Dallas Baptist University. My enthusiasm for physiology and redemption led me to pursue a Master's in Professional Counseling.

Seeking mental health care can be a daunting step. Fear and stigma have kept many of us isolated in our struggles. You were not created to do this alone; I would love to invite you into a judgment-free zone where you will gain the courage to heal, tools to mitigate your symptoms, and work on enhancing the quality of your life, relationships, and goals. 

Knowing that the human body is interconnected, my approach to therapy is seeking to understand your mind, physiology, psychological, and emotional needs to tailor the best treatment plan.

Fun fact: The human brain is the most complex organ in the body. Trauma is stored in the body. For example, your brain can memorize about 1 trillion different scents, all linked to memory and emotion. Want to learn more? Let's work together! 

To learn more fun facts, follow my education mental health Instagram page: @redemptivehope

β€œYou can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.”
— C. S. Lewis

International Association of Eating Disorders Professionals